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HiCat Data Dictionary


The main HiRISE catalog contains all the information used in operating the HiRISE camera after it is attached to the MRO spacecraft. The information is divided into those related to suggesting, planning, commanding, retrieving, processing, validating, and distributing the observations. The tag that follows an observation through all these catalogs (and from Earth to Mars and back) is the unique Observation_ID. This text representation also forms the core of the product names. The HiRISE catalog also contains ancillary information needed in various uplink and downlink activities, such as the people making image suggestions, MRO project uplink files, SPICE and engineering data, and public image releases.
Group:Suggested and Planned Observations
Stores information about the suggested locations to image. Includes all desired parameters specified by suggestors, such as the geographic position, the minimum image area, the desired viewing geometry, the need for color and/or stereo observations, and seasonal constraints. Also includes suggestion history information such as who, when, and why the suggestion was made, and includes a suggestion priority level specified by a Co-I.
This table stores suggestion geometry information using MySQL's geospatial datatypes. This data must be kept in a table separate from the rest of the suggestion information due to certian limitations on how these datatypes are stored in the database.
This table defines relations between suggestions. The table specifies a relation type, and an optional hypothesis field which can be used to store a hypothesis for an imaging program.
This table relates individual suggestion id's to a relation id in the Suggestion_Relations table.
A table listing the types of special target requests.
This table holds the "want-to-have" suggestion list by cycle and user.
This table connects Suggested Observations with Science Themes.
Holds information about parameters of planned observations. The parameters in this table are organized at the observation level. Parameters at the CCD level are stored in the Planned_CCD table. The values of these two tables will be manipulated (insert, update, and delete) by HiPlan, and HiCommand will retrieve the parameter values in these two tables to generate command files. HiCommand will also input some flag values back into this table, such as the various COMMAND_FILE_* fields. HiDOG will also input observation SUCCESS_ACQUIRED_TIME back into this table. This table is related to the Suggested_Observations table by the mapping table Suggested_Observations_Planned_Observations_map, and is related to the Sequence_Plan table by the mapping table ?, and related to most of other tables by Observation_ID.
A mapping table used to relate the Planned_Observations table and the Suggested_Observations table together, based on the many to many relationship between these two tables.
Stores information about planned parameters per CCD, generated by HiPlan and edited by a Co-I.
Stores the planned Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) settings for each CCD used in an observation.
This table holds MRO orbital information related to specific orbits. These generally take the form of times (eg. the light-to-dark terminator crossing time, etc).
Group:Acquired Observation and Products
Store metadata about EDR products. Keeps track of product identification information,EDR product header data (based on EDR SIS), product processing history information, product related files information. Also allows scientists to input product statistical analysis results. For example mean image pixel value or the standard deviation of pixel values. Most of the values in this table will be input/updated by EDRgen application.
This table holds the calibration data generated from calibration EDRs. A number fields in this table are redundant with fields already in the EDR_Products table, and should possibly be merged together.
This table maps channelized raw data files (DAT's) to the parent .out files, if a parent .out file was used to produce the DAT file.
This table stores metadata about raw products downloaded from the RSDS.
Ad hoc Data Summary table
This table holds shared geometry parameters that apply to an entire observation. Parameters that may be specific to a product will be stored in the proper product table.
This table stores frost/ice statistics for observations. The information in this table can be used to monitor frost/ice found in observations, or to locate observations that may have frost or ice. The statistics are also used for refining the stretch algorithm in the HiMosMerge pipeline (and probably the color nomap pipelines, eventually).
Store metadata about RDR products. Keeps track of product identification information,RDR product header data, product processing history information, product related files information. Most of the values in this table will be input/updated by RDRgen application.
This table holds the center and footprint information for RDR_Products as indexed OpenGIS geometry objects. Geometric based searches will be much faster when run against this table.
Holds metadata about old versions of RDR products that have been removed from the system.
Stores metadata about anaglyph products.
A table for mapping which specific EDR products a given RDR product has been derived from.
Track and store information about extras products.
Store metadata about DTM products. Keeps track of product identification information,DTM product header data, product processing history information, product related files information. Most of the values in this table will be input/updated by DTMgen application.
Track and store information about extras products.
Track and stores information about high precision geometry products.
Stores statistics on the corrections made to the data to match the channels in each CCD and to match the CCDs radiometrically.
Stores statistics on the corrections made to the data during color processing.
Stores statitics from the jitter analysis.
This table lists the different types of Extras Products and indicates if the specific product type should be released to the Planetary Data System.
This table lists the different types of Extras Products and indicates if the specific product type should be released to the Planetary Data System.
This table lists the different types of Anaglyph Products and indicates if the specific product type should be released to the Planetary Data System.
This is a very simple list of the different science themes for HiRISE.
Keeps track of information about people who will access the HiCat database. People can belong to different groups, such as Co-I, team, validater, suggestor, with different HiCat access privileges.
Keeps track of information about classroom activities and group educational projects. People can belong to different classrooms via the People_Classrooms_map table.
This table connects People with the Suggested Observations that they have made.
This table connects Classrooms with the Suggested Observations that they have made.
This table connects People with Science Themes. This is mostly for team members, most records in the People table will not have a connection to a Science Theme.
This table connects People to Classrooms.
This table maps a given PRODUCT_ID to the most current or best version of a product in the EDR_Products table.
This table maps a given PRODUCT_ID to the most current or best version of a product in the RDR_Products table.
This table maps a given PRODUCT_ID to the most current or best version of a product in the DTM_Products table.
This table maps a given PRODUCT_ID to the most current or best version of a product in the HiPrecision_Products table.
This table maps a given Extras ID to the most current or best version of a product in the Extras_Products table.
This table maps a given DTM Extras ID to the most current or best version of a product in the Extras_Products table.
This table maps a given Anaglyph ID to the most current or best version of a product in the Anaglyph_Products table.
Stores information about images release on the website, including who released the image, when it was released, and the location to which the image was released.
Stores the mappings between the web release and the science theme(s) associated with it.
A table for storing information about HiRISE related events.
Stores information about HiRISE related publications, including who released the image, when it was released, and the location to which the image was released.
A mapping table that maps publications to observations. This allows us to link observations and publications in a standard way, and allow quick lookups of observations referenced within a publication.
A table for assigning status tags to products. The tags in this table should be exclusively status related. In order to enforce a single status value in this table, a uniqueness constraint has been placed on the PRODUCT_ID and VERSION columns. The tag definitions are stored in a PVL style configuration file located at /HiRISE/?????? in the HiRISE logical file system.
A table for assigning informational tags to products. These tags may be related to status, special processing requirements, geologic feature information, or any other use that we might put them to. The tag definitions are stored in a PVL style configuration file located at /HiRISE/?????? in the HiRISE logical file system. Note: This table definition is only a draft at this time, it is not currently available in HiCat.
A table for storing the coordinates of potentially interesting features found in HiRISE observations. These may be a single coordinate or multiple coordinate sets defining an area, or even a center and radius (for example). Only line and sample coordinates are currently supported.
This table tracks the date and time that observations were processed through the different retirement stages. The first stage normally occurs in HiPlan during the planning. The second stage occurs after the geometry processing has completed.
This table maps cycle identifiers to various other time related ranges such as orbit ranges, dates, or LS. Note: This table is currently a stop gap measure to allow some automated procedures to gather cycle information. It is likely that the structure of this table may change in the future and some fields will probably be moved/removed. It is highly likely that the LS range will be removed.
This table stores the feature names and codes as defined by the USGS nomenclature service. The ID field is a foreign key in the Mars_Nomenclature table.
This table contain nomenclature for various regions on Mars.
A table mapping Mars years to UTC Earth dates
A table for storing some pipeline configuration parameters.
A table for storing footprint information for variety of different mission observations.
A mapping table between Suggested_Observations and the Footprints table.
A mapping table between RDR_Products and the Footprints table.
A mapping table between CTX and the Footprints table.
A mapping table between CRISM and the Footprints table.
A mapping table between MOC and the Footprints table.
Group:Planetary Data System
A table describing the PDS Datasets available for EDR's. There are several columns in this table for which there is no clear description. These are likely things that are used by the Planetary Image Atlas but are not directly applicable to our local PDS node.
This table contains additional metadata information needed by the PDS Profile Server to construct paths and URLs to the released data products. There are several seemingly redundant fields in this table, they are required by the PDS profile server.
A table describing the PDS Datasets available for RDR's. There are several columns in this table for which there is no clear description. These are likely things that are used by the Planetary Image Atlas but are not directly applicable to our local PDS node.
This table contains additional metadata information needed by the PDS Profile Server to construct paths and URLs to the released data products. There are several seemingly redundant fields in this table, they are required by the PDS profile server.

Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Planetary Image Research Laboratory, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.

This page was generated from the XML HiCat Data Dictionary. $Name: $


Please send comments to: HiCat@pirlmail.lpl.arizona.edu.