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HiCat Data Dictionary

Catalog: HiRISE
The main HiRISE catalog contains all the information used in operating the HiRISE camera after it is attached to the MRO spacecraft. The information is divided into those related to suggesting, planning, commanding, retrieving, processing, validating, and distributing the observations. The tag that follows an observation through all these catalogs (and from Earth to Mars and back) is the unique Observation_ID. This text representation also forms the core of the product names. The HiRISE catalog also contains ancillary information needed in various uplink and downlink activities, such as the people making image suggestions, MRO project uplink files, SPICE and engineering data, and public image releases.
Stores information about the suggested locations to image. Includes all desired parameters specified by suggestors, such as the geographic position, the minimum image area, the desired viewing geometry, the need for color and/or stereo observations, and seasonal constraints. Also includes suggestion history information such as who, when, and why the suggestion was made, and includes a suggestion priority level specified by a Co-I.

Field Description Type Null Limits Size Key Default Authority Source
ID This is the unique ID for each Suggested Observation. The values here should not be assigned by external programs. Instead it can either be ignored, or NULL can be inserted, and the database will automatically assign the next ID. INT(10) unsigned auto_increment Not Null Primary Key db server
VERSION Version number of this record. If needed by HiWeb. VARCHAR(255) Not Null HiWeb
CENTER_LATITUDE This is the center planetocentric latitude of the suggested observation. FLOAT -90 to 90 HiWeb
CENTER_LONGITUDE This is the center east longitude of the suggested observation. FLOAT 0 to 360 HiWeb
MAX_LATITUDE This is the maximum bound of planetocentric latitude covered by this suggestion. FLOAT -90 to 90 HiWeb
MIN_LATITUDE This is the minimum bound of planetocentric latitude covered by this suggestion. FLOAT -90 to 90 HiWeb
MAX_LONGITUDE This is the maximum bound of east longitude covered by this suggestion. FLOAT 0 to 360 HiWeb
MIN_LONGITUDE This is the minimum bound of east longitude covered by this suggestion. FLOAT 0 to 360 HiWeb
ROI_VERTICES A list of up to 16 longitude and latitude pairs which are the vertices of a polygon specifying a region of interest. TEXT HiWeb
EXACT_AREA_REQUESTED Does the entire region of interest specified in the ROI_VERTICES field need to be imaged? TINYINT(1) false, or true HiWeb
NEED_STEREO This indicates whether this suggestion requires stereo to achieve its goals. TINYINT false, or true HiWeb
PRIORITY_STEREO Priority of a stereo observation request made by the suggestor. A value of 5, is the highest priority. TINYINT 1 to 5 HiWeb
NEED_COLOR This indicates whether this suggestion requires color to achieve its goals. TINYINT false, or true HiWeb
PRIORITY_COLOR Priority of a color request made by the suggestor. A value of 5, is the highest priority. TINYINT 1 to 5 HiWeb
PRIORITY_HIGHRES Priority of a high-resolution request made by the suggestor. A value of 5, is the highest priority. TINYINT 1 to 5 HiWeb
CRISM_COORDINATION Does this observation need coordination with CRISM? ENUM("NO","YES") Not Null NO HiWeb
MAX_BINNING The maximum binning allowable for this suggestion. The binning value may be less than this value (i.e. not binned as much), but won't be more. Allowable values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 16. TINYINT(2) unsigned 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, or 16 4 HiWeb
MAX_LSUBS The maximum allowable LS value for this suggestion. FLOAT Not Null 0 to 360 360 HiWeb
MIN_LSUBS The minimum allowable LS value for this suggestion. FLOAT Not Null 0 to 360 0 HiWeb
MAX_PHASE_ANGLE The maximum allowable phase angle for this suggestion in degrees. FLOAT Not Null 0 to 180 180 HiWeb
MIN_PHASE_ANGLE The minimum allowable phase angle for this suggestion in degrees. FLOAT Not Null 0 to 180 0 HiWeb
MAX_INCIDENCE_ANGLE The maximum allowable incidence angle for this suggestion in degrees. FLOAT Not Null 0 to 90 75 HiWeb
MIN_INCIDENCE_ANGLE The minimum allowable incidence angle for this suggestion in degrees. FLOAT Not Null 0 to 90 0 HiWeb
MAX_EMISSION_ANGLE The maximum allowable emission angle for this suggestion in degrees. FLOAT Not Null 0 to 90 40 HiWeb
MIN_EMISSION_ANGLE The minimum allowable emission angle for this suggestion in degrees. FLOAT Not Null 0 to 90 0 HiWeb
PRIORITY_OVERALL Overall priority given to the image suggestion by the suggestor. A value of 5, is the highest priority. TINYINT 1 to 5 HiWeb
PRIORITY The priority given to this suggestion by the HiRISE team. Individual Co-I's will use values of 0-10 for prioritizing image suggestions. Zero is the lowest priority, and a ten is a suggestion of highest scientific merit. After team discussion, the image suggestion can be elevated to values between 11 and 15. An 11 indicates that the team thinks this is a valuable suggestion, and a 15 indicates that the team thinks this is of maximum priority. The goal in this 2-tier priority scheme is to clearly distinguish between priorities that were developed by a single Co-I versus team discussion. This is a different scale than the priority in the Planned_Observations table. This field is the equivalent STL priority field. ENUM("0 - CO-I Assigned Priority - minimum","1 - CO-I Assigned Priority", "2 - CO-I Assigned Priority","3 - CO-I Assigned Priority", "4 - CO-I Assigned Priority","5 - CO-I Assigned Priority", "6 - CO-I Assigned Priority","7 - CO-I Assigned Priority", "8 - CO-I Assigned Priority","9 - CO-I Assigned Priority", "10 - CO-I Assigned Priority - maximum","11 - Team Assigned Priority - minimum", "12 - Team Assigned Priority","13 - Team Assigned Priority", "14 - Team Assigned Priority","15 - Team Assigned Priority - maximum" ) 0 to 15 HiPlan ?
DATE_PRIORITIZED The UTC date that this suggestion was given a priority by the team. DATETIME HiPlan ?
SCIENCE_RATIONALE The scientific rationale for why this suggestion should be acquired. TEXT Not Null HiWeb
DESCRIPTION A 75 character description of the image suitable for use in the RATIONALE_DESC element of the PDS label for the image. VARCHAR(75) Not Null HiWeb
APPROVAL_STATUS This field indicates whether the description of a given suggestion has been approved by an STL. Descriptions submitted by HiRISE team members will be automatically approved, while suggestions that are rejected by STLs will most likely be deleted. ENUM("APPROVED","PENDING","REJECTED") Not Null HiWeb
SUGGESTION_DATE The date and time the suggestion was made. DATETIME HiWeb
SUCCESS_VALIDATOR_USERNAME The username of the person that validated that this suggestion was successful. VARCHAR(32) HiVali ?
DATE_SUCCESS The date this suggestion was retired by a planned or acquired observation. DATETIME HiPlan or the Retire_Suggestions utility
RETIRING_OBSERVATION_ID The Observation ID of the image that satisfied this suggestion. VARCHAR(25) HiPlan or the Retire_Suggestions utility
UNRETIREMENT_REQUEST_FLAG This field indicates if a suggestion has been unretired prior to the geometry processing of the retiring observation id. If set to 1, and the Retire_Suggestions application is passed the -Geometry option, then the suggestion will not be automatically retired in the HiGeomInit pipeline, instead, the application will reset this field to zero without retiring the suggestion. TINYINT(1) Not Null 0 Suggestion Retirement Applications
SPECIAL_NOTES This field contains any notes that are specific to details of this suggestion. TEXT HiWeb
TARGET_NAME The name of the target for this suggestion. The NONE option in this list indicates that the suggestion has been marked as "deleted" by the suggestor. In principle, a HiWeb user will be able to undelete a suggestion by having HiWeb reset this field back to Mars. ENUM("MARS", "STARS", "PHOBOS", "DEIMOS", "SKY", "CAL", "LUNA", "MOON", "NONE", "NOPROC") MARS HiWeb
NUMBER_OF_OBSERVATIONS Is this the number of observations that the suggestor needs for this suggestion. TINYINT(3) unsigned HiWeb
STL_DESCRIPTION A 75 character description of the image suitable for use in the RATIONALE_DESC element of the PDS label for the image. This column contains the version of the description approved by the STL. VARCHAR(75) Not Null HiWeb
STL_MUST_HAVE Is this suggestion a "must-have?" ENUM("NO","YES") Not Null NO HiWeb
STL_STEREO Is suggestion to be part of a stereo observation? ENUM("NO","YES") Not Null NO HiWeb
STL_CRISM_COORDINATION Will this suggestion be coordinated with CRISM? ENUM("NO","YES") Not Null NO HiWeb
STL_OFF_NADIR_IO Is this suggestion an off nadir IO? ENUM("NO","YES") Not Null NO HiWeb
STL_HIGH_STABILITY_NADIR Does this suggestion need High Stability? ENUM("NO","YES") Not Null NO HiWeb
STL_NONINTERACTIVE Should this suggestion be planned as non-interactive observation? ENUM("NO","YES") Not Null NO HiWeb
STL_MAX_BINNING The maximum binning allowed for this observation, as determined by the Science Theme Lead. TINYINT(2) unsigned 1, 2, , 4, 8, or 16 4 HiWeb
STL_MAX_PHASE_ANGLE The maximum phase angle in degrees as determined by the science theme lead. FLOAT 0 to 180 180 HiWeb
STL_MIN_PHASE_ANGLE The minimum phase angle in degrees as determined by the science them lead. FLOAT 0 to 180 0 HiWeb
STL_MAX_INCIDENCE_ANGLE The maximum allowable phase angle for this suggestion in degrees as determined by the science theme lead. FLOAT 0 to 90 75 HiWeb
STL_MIN_INCIDENCE_ANGLE The minimum allowable phase angle for this suggestion in degrees as determined by the science theme lead. FLOAT 0 to 90 0 HiWeb
STL_MAX_EMISSION_ANGLE The maximum allowable emission angle for this suggestion in degrees as determined by the science theme lead. FLOAT 0 to 90 40 HiWeb
STL_MIN_EMISSION_ANGLE The minimum allowable emission angle for this suggestion in degrees as determined by the science theme lead. FLOAT 0 to 90 0 HiWeb
STL_MAX_LSUBS The maximum allowable Ls for this suggestion in degrees as determined by the science theme lead. FLOAT 0 to 360 360 HiWeb
STL_MIN_LSUBS The minimum allowable Ls for this suggestion in degrees as determined by the science theme lead. FLOAT 0 to 360 0 HiWeb
STL_NUMBER_OF_OBSERVATIONS The number of observations needed to satisfy this suggestion as determined by the science theme lead. TINYINT(3) 1 HiWeb
STL_EDIT_DATE The date and time when the science theme lead last modified their preferences for the suggestion. NULL if no modifications have been made. DATETIME HiWeb
STEREO_COMPLETION_REQUESTED Indicates if the suggestion is a stereo completion request on a previously acquired target. TINYINT Not Null 0 HiWish
LAST_UPDATE This column records the last time that a record was updated. TIMESTAMP db server

  • Field: the field name within the table.
  • Description: the definition for the field.
  • Type: the data type of the field.
  • Null: whether the field is allowed to be null.
  • Limits: the acceptable data range for the field.
  • Size: the upper limit data storage size for the field.
  • Default: the default value for the field.
  • Authority: the agency responsible for definition of the field.
  • Source: the most frequent source of data for this field.

Table Options:

  • type=InnoDB

Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Planetary Image Research Laboratory, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.

This page was generated from the XML HiCat Data Dictionary. $Name: $


Please send comments to: HiCat@pirlmail.lpl.arizona.edu.